Support During COVID-19

This is a strange time we are in. If your eyes are open, you may be observing fear, grief and loss, anger, and despair in the world around you – and maybe even in yourself.
It is not uncommon that when taken out of our comfort zones, we are confronted with aspects of ourselves we managed to avoid with the usual distractions of “normal life.” In this COVID-19 way of life, we are having to slow down, be still, and face all that is stirring within, whether we want to or not.
If you are finding yourself overwhelmed by all that is popping up while at the same time, being asked to 'keep on keeping on', I’m here to help. Together, we can explore what is coming up for you and give it space to be processed so that you can show up authentically where you are right now.
Feel free to connect for a free 15 minute consultation so we can discuss what working together might look like. Sessions are being conducted via secure video conferencing or in-person as appropriate.
The following protocols are currently in place for in-person sessions:
Seating in therapy room has been arranged for appropriate physical distancing, and a furniture cover will be changed between clients.
If there is a therapeutic need to move closer than 6 feet, a face shield will be worn by both the client and myself.
Soap and papertowel are provided in the washroom; everyone is encouraged to wash their hands.
Hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol is available in the therapy room.
I schedule appointments at specific intervals to allow for proper sanitization between clients.
Clients are asked to wait in their cars or outside until notified to enter to avoid interaction between clients.
Manipulable objects such as pens and other areas that are commonly touched are thoroughly sanitized after each use.
Physical contact is not permitted.
Tissues and trash bins are easily accessed. Trash is disposed of on a frequent basis.
Common areas are thoroughly disinfected at the end of each day.